Offer more value to your clients—and help grow your business—with a Health Savings Account (HSA)
Healthcare is one of the biggest expenses in retirement.
The HSA lets you help your individual clients manage today's health care expenses
and plan, save, and invest for current and future health care needs.
It's an open architecture brokerage account with easy setup and ongoing management, and includes:
The ability to fund and transfer assets
Trading, reporting, correspondence, and service features
Cash management features include: a debit card, checkwriting, and billpay
The HSA opportunity for broker-dealers and advisors
Helps to further diversify* your business
Potentially increases your revenue and assets under management
Provides more value to your clients, deepens client relationships, and improves client retention
Supports small-business clients
Offers the option to have assets professionally managed
$46b in investable assets available2
In 2023, total HSA assets surpassed $123b, $46b of which is considered investable (i.e., not in a checking account) and is growing at a faster rate than total HSA assets.
* Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss
The HSA benefits for your clients
Triple tax advantage
Pretax contributions
Tax-free qualified withdrawals
Tax-deferred earnings
It's the individual investor's money—and it stays with them
Completely portable for individual investors—Even if they move, change employers, or change health plans, their HSA stays with them.
No "use it or lose it"—The account belongs to the individual and does not need to be used each year.
Flexibility and choice
Use it now—Easy access for current qualified medical expenses
Save and invest for later—Provides the option to invest some or all of their HSA money for potential growth as a way to prepare for health care costs in retirement
Option for professional management of assets
Cash management capabilities
HSA-specific debit card provided to registered account owner for all accounts
Check writing
Electronic billpay
Awards & Recognition
Fidelity ranked the best HSA for savers and spenders by Morningstar for 6 years in a row4
1. The 2022 Fidelity Investor Insights Study was conducted during the period August 8 through September 2, 2022. It surveyed a total of 2,490 investors, including 673 millionaires and 1,520 investors with advisors. The study was conducted via a 25-minute online survey, with the sample provided by Brookmark, a third-party firm not affiliated with Fidelity. Respondents were screened for a minimum level of investable assets (excluding retirement assets and primary residence), age, and income levels.
2. 2023 Year-End Devenir HSA Market Survey, press releases, previous market research and market growth rates. March 2024.
3. Contributions can be made up until your tax filing deadline subject to IRS regulations.
4. Morningstar®. 2024 Health Savings Account Landscape as of 09/2024, 9/2023 - Previously awarded in 09/2023, 09/2022, 09/2021, 09/2020, and 09/2019.