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Fidelity Portfolio Quick Check®
Analyze, compare and optimize your investment strategy in minutes
Receive your free PQC in three easy steps:
1. Upload your portfolio
Quickly add actual or hypothetical portfolios
2. Choose your benchmark
Select the model portfolio you want to use for comparison
3. Get your instant report
Access and save your custom report diagnosing ways to improve your portfolio
PQC makes it easy to showcase the impact of your investment strategy

Quick portfolio diagnostics
Uncover opportunities by understanding style and sector exposures, correlations among holdings, top risk and return measures, and much more.

Tailored, actionable insights & analytics
Use our tool's engaging analytics and Fidelity's thought leadership and proprietary insights to find ways to enhance your portfolio.

Customizable reports
Demonstrate the difference your investment strategy makes using PQC's customizable reports that you can access anytime.
*screenshots are for illustrative purposes only
Related resources
- Fidelity Portfolio Quick CheckŪ (PQC) is provided to investment professionals by Fidelity Distributors Company LLC ("FDC") and may be made available by FDC, Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, or National Financial Services LLC, Members NYSE/SIPC. Content provided is intended for informational and educational purposes only based on information you entered into the PQC tool. It should not be considered as legal, tax, investment or insurance advice or construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security by any Fidelity entity. As an investment professional, you are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy, or related transaction is appropriate for your customer based on your customer's investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance.
- Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investing involves risk, including risk of loss. Diversification and asset allocation do not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss.
- Fidelity Institutional Wealth Adviser LLC ("FIWA") is a registered investment adviser and an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of FMR LLC. FIWA is the sponsor of the Fidelity Managed Account Xchange® program ("FMAX" or the "Platform"). FMAX is a comprehensive wealth management platform consisting of advisory tools, programs and services, and investment products from Fidelity and other leading asset managers. Some services are provided by affiliated and unaffiliated 3rd parties. FMAX offers robust Fidelity service & support and a simplified client experience. FMAX provides investment advisory and platform services for a fee. FMAX is offered by FIWA, an affiliate of Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and National Financial Services LLC. Members NYSE, SIPC. The FMAX Platform is not a brokerage product.
- Fidelity Investments provides investment products through Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, clearing custody, or other brokerage services through National Financial Services LLC or Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Members NYSE, SIPC, and institutional advisory services through Fidelity Institutional Wealth Adviser LLC.