Fidelity Portfolio Quick Check®

Analyze, compare and optimize your investment strategy in minutes

What a PQC can do for you
"Fidelity's portfolio analysis tool helps advisors improve outcomes and free up time for more meaningful conversations with clients about achieving life goals and fulfillment."—Mayank Goradia, Head of Integrated Portfolio Construction Delivery for Fidelity Investments

Receive your free PQC in three easy steps:

1. Upload your portfolio

Quickly add actual or hypothetical portfolios

2. Choose your benchmark

Select the model portfolio you want to use for comparison

3. Get your instant report

Access and save your custom report diagnosing ways to improve your portfolio

PQC makes it easy to showcase the impact of your investment strategy

Quick portfolio diagnostics

Uncover opportunities by understanding style and sector exposures, correlations among holdings, top risk and return measures, and much more.

Tailored, actionable insights & analytics

Use our tool's engaging analytics and Fidelity's thought leadership and proprietary insights to find ways to enhance your portfolio.

Customizable reports

Demonstrate the difference your investment strategy makes using PQC's customizable reports that you can access anytime.


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