Fidelity RIA Staffing Calculator

Leverage our proprietary data to see how your firm compares against peer staffing levels and productivity.

Not all firms are built the same. See how your size can influence staffing needs.

Are you staffed to potential optimal efficiency? Have you ever wondered if you are over or under capacity? Have you wondered how many clients your advisors should be servicing?

Use Fidelity's RIA Staffing Calculator to help compare staffing levels against peers to understand capacity levels and educate on potential optimal staffing and support.

Please Provide the Following Staffing Information:

Please enter your Firm Name.
Please enter your AUM.
Please enter your Total Reveenue.
Please enter your number of Total Number of Households.

For the following roles, please enter the total number of full-time employees in each role:

Please enter your number of Executives.
Please enter your number of Advisors.
Please enter your number of Dedicated Managers.
Please enter your number of Technical Specialist.
Please enter your number of Support Staff.
Please enter your number of Administrative Staff.

Your results:

As you can see, we have provided a comparison of your firm's current staffing against peers to help you understand what staffing changes might make sense to implement in the future.

Fidelity's RIA Benchmarking Program

Fidelity's benchmarking program can be foundational to your business planning. The insights gained from the program help advisors uncover strengths, identify weaknesses, and set goals to improve business results—ultimately helping position your firm to thrive in the future.

Learn More

Roadmap to Attract & Retain Advisors

Resources to help you attract advisors to your firm, and help them transition and grow once onboard.

Learn More

Questions about what to do next? Contact a Fidelity consultant.

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