
Evolve your investment model with managed solutions

Leveraging outside investment experience and solutions can give you the scale you need to help grow your business, freeing up more of your time to spend with clients.

Featured Workshop

The benefits and best practices on how to evolve your investment model with managed solutions

Learn how leveraging outside investment experience and optimizing managed solutions can help you customize and manage your clients’ investment portfolios. You’ll learn:

  • Evolve your investment approach to align with shifting landscape in wealth management
  • Managed accounts: what they are and why they matter
  • The potential benefits of outsourcing* investment management with managed accounts
  • Incorporate a Unified Managed Account (UMA) program into your fee-based business model

Additional foundation workshops


Transition to a fee-based model

As the industry continues to shift toward a fee-based business model, we believe understanding the opportunities and potential benefits will be critical to your success.


Integrate Financial Planning

The value clients now expect from their financial advisors involves more than just investment management. Offering financial planning should give you a deeper understanding of your clients' needs and concerns—and a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate your overall professional expertise.

Wealth Advisory Institute (WAI)

Tools and actionable insights to help get you closer to becoming a holistic wealth manager.