
A strategic allocator's guide to productivity and profits - Conversation starter

Could a new regime influence productivity and fundamentally reshape the investment decision process?

Why this Research?
  • As the second installment in our foundational research series, Productivity and Profits seeks to expand on key themes set forth in Unsustainable Global Debt (2020).
  • The investment landscape has transitioned into a new regime where we expect the next 20 years will be unlike anything we’ve seen in recent history.
  • We believe this structural change will directly impact investment portfolios; identification of certain key trends will impact asset pricing and influence outcomes.
  • In this new world, the backdrop for global asset performance is likely to reattach to core fundamentals, such as productivity gains.
  • Understanding the drivers of productivity—and their links to profits and asset-class returns—could hold the key to successful strategic asset allocation.
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Conversation starter: a strategic allocator's guide to productivity and profits