Investment solutions

Offer tax-efficient, personalized portfolios with custom separately managed accounts (SMAs)

Empower clients to incorporate their investing preferences and seek the benefits of active tax management with custom SMAs.

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Target client needs more precisely with custom SMAs

Looking to give your clients a more personalized, tax-efficient portfolio? Custom SMAs—a sophisticated investment capability once only available to the ultra wealthy—can help you:

Enhance the tax efficiency of your clients' portfolios

Help your clients keep more of what they earn by taking advantage of the broad array of tax management capabilities provided by custom SMAs.

Meet clients' unique investment preferences

With 82% of investors interested in personalized products and 62% willing to pay more for customization,1 offering custom SMAs can help you better serve your clients—and your practice.

Scale your practice and elevate your value

Custom SMAs let you create highly personalized portfolios more efficiently, allowing you more time for the higher-value activities today's investors want from their advisors.

White Paper

The Unique Value of Custom SMAs in Wealth Management: Direct Indexing and Beyond

Understand the impact of this next great innovation in advisory solutions.

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How can custom SMAs help you meet client objectives?

Discover how these highly personalized portfolios can help you target clients' individual needs.

  • Manage clients' core equity exposure with tax efficiency

    Unlike passively managed mutual funds and ETFs that are commonly used to achieve core equity exposure, custom SMAs allow for client-specific tax management. Through custom SMAs, tax-loss harvesting can be done opportunistically throughout the year, and any losses harvested can help offset capital gains occurring elsewhere in your clients' portfolios.

  • Diversify away from concentrated stocks, and other portfolio transitions

    Clients with concentrated positions who want to reduce idiosyncratic—or specific—risk may not want to liquidate some of these positions to do so, due to potential tax consequences. Custom SMAs allow you to gradually sell down concentrated positions and help offset the resulting capital gains through tax-loss harvesting.

  • Incorporate clients' unique investment preferences into their portfolios

    Custom SMAs offer a high degree of personalization and the potential market exposure you and your clients are looking for. By owning the underlying securities, clients can easily tailor their investment choices—perhaps by excluding a certain security or avoiding specific types of businesses or companies.

  • Capture capital losses for a future taxable event

    With some forethought, losses harvested throughout the year in a custom SMA can be rolled forward to help offset a large taxable event on the horizon, such as an investment property sale. As the industry shifts more toward financial planning, using this type of thoughtful approach can help you better prepare clients for expected events.


Custom Separately Managed Accounts: Efficient Solutions to Client Challenges

Find out how custom SMAs can help capture tax alpha and achieve other key client goals.

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Using Our Custom SMAs

Get started creating portfolios tailored to clients' preferences and tax management goals by focusing on three essential areas.

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Fidelity's Custom SMAs

Offer a more tailored experience with Fidelity's custom SMAs—backed by our personalization capabilities, investment expertise, and client-focused service model.

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