Custom SMAs

Get started with Fidelity's Custom SMAs and provide personalization at scale

Create portfolios tailored to clients' preferences and tax management goals—without placing high demands on your time.

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Creating personalized portfolios just got easier with our custom SMAs

Our holistic end-to-end process allows you to focus your time on your clients and their investment objectives, preferences, and tax management goals. With streamlined digital experiences that are integrated with Wealthscape, you can give us your client's investment choices in just a few clicks. We take it from there and will build and manage their unique portfolios.

Three steps to help you put Fidelity Institutional Custom SMAs into practice

Creating a custom mandate with your clients gives them an investment solution that's truly tailored to their preferences. Consider identifying their needs in three essential areas:

1. Determine market exposure

What are your clients' investment goals? Work with them to identify what they're looking for their portfolio to achieve. For example:

  • Do they need a specific market exposure or global coverage?
  • Is there a target risk exposure for the equity portfolio that global blends could help with?
  • Is your client interested in sustainable investing?

2. Clarify tax goals

Identify if your clients have any specific tax considerations that could impact how you build their portfolio, such as:

  • Are they tax sensitive and looking to align potential tax benefits with their chosen market exposure?
  • Does their risk sensitivity need to align with their chosen market exposure and smaller potential tax benefits?
  • Is there a capital gains budget to consider in transitioning assets to a new portfolio?

3. Prioritize their preferences

Talk with your clients to see if they have any specific ideas, interests, or preferences they'd like reflected in their portfolios. Consider questions like:

  • Do they want a portfolio that expresses their faith or other values?
  • Is there a type of business or product that they would like to avoid?
  • Could excluding a specific company or industry help address a concentrated position in their portfolio?

Get insights along the way using our digital self-service custom SMA platform1

Easily input client mandates

It's simple to enter your client's investment criteria and consider the potential implications of making certain exclusions.

Evaluate your client customization details

Review and understand client account composition and risk metrics once the mandate is entered.

Inform your decisions with transition analysis

Consider the tax implications of various transition options for your client's portfolio.

Want to know more?

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Fidelity's Custom SMAs

Offer a more tailored experience with Fidelity's custom SMAs—backed by our personalization capabilities, investment expertise, and client-focused service model.

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Custom SMA Benefits

Empower clients to incorporate their investing preferences and seek the benefits of active tax management with custom SMAs.

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