
Best practices in wealth management technology can drive firm success

What we can learn from firms that embrace technology to drive efficiency, grow faster, and deliver a better client experience

Key Takeaways
  • Fidelity recently surveyed advisors across the industry—including firm leaders and technology decision-makers—to understand how they are using technology, as well as how those decisions are impacting their success.
  • We found that some firms consistently embrace technology much more than their peers. These digitally empowered firms—represented across every channel and firm size—score higher than their counterparts across a wide range of technology best practices.
  • Advisors at these firms report that their processes are more efficient and that these efficiencies convey to their client experience. Further, they tell us that their firms are growing faster and that they are more highly satisfied.
  • The best practices covered in this study offer a great starting point for firms to explore opportunities to improve their use of technology and their business. Firms ready to take action are encouraged to consult our work on digital empowerment and their Fidelity representative.
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Best practices in wealth management technology can drive firm success